Community Supporters
Join these 160+ people from Senate District 46, Oklahoma City, Del City and community leaders across the state who trust Mark to get the job done!

Rhonda & The Honorable David Walters
Kim & The Honorable Brad Henry
Linda & The Honorable Drew Edmondson
The Honorable Robert S. Kerr, III
The Honorable Mickey Dollens
The Honorable Forrest Bennett
The Honorable Debbie & Dr. Bob Blackburn
The Honorable Collin Walke
The Honorable Scott Inman
The Honorable Jason Dunnington
Beverly & The Honorable Don Davis
The Honorable Clay Pope
The Honorable Ryan Kiesel
The Honorable Dr. Laura Boyd
The Honorable Dr. Silvya Kirk
The Honorable Cody Graves
The Honorable Cal Hobson
The Honorable Paula Lewis
The Honorable Meg McElhaney
The Honorable Lori Bowman
The Honorable Adam Graham
Jena Nelson
Danielle & Lance Phillips
Pat Hall
Traci & Dr. Sean McDaniel
Sheryl Lovelady
George Krumme
Torie Pennington
Emily Lang
Emilee Eppler
Dr. Rick Cobb
Wendy & Chuck Garrett
Chelsea Abney
Bill Anderson
Dr. Faizah Bahtti
Lou Barlow
Ginger Barnes
Brandon Beard
Kay Harley & Vic Bird
Joanna Blackstock
Dr. Marion Paden
Leslie Blair
Gina Bonner
Alex Braden
Scott Braden
Shelly & Bill Hickman
Lee Ann Bratten DeArman
Barbara & Marc Brockhaus
Dena Shackelford
Katherine Farley & Paul Brockhaus
Lisa & Bill Bullard
Adra & David Cheek
Brad Clark
Allyson Coffee
Sally Cole & Paula Hardeman
Andre Coleman
Tammy Conover
Steve Cortes
Adriane Covington Graham
Lori & Don Cox
David Darby
Casey Davis
Dr. DeAnn Davis
Dr. Ashley Davis
Amanda & Owen Shackelford
Jay Parmley
Melissa & Casey Gorell
Kylie & Paxton Gray
Mylissa Hall
LeAnn Harmon
Spencer Hicks
Eric Hileman
Dr. Mary & Isaac Hines
Marilyn Howerton
Candice HollowayCarrie Jacobs
Kelly & J.C. Johnson
April & Gary Jones
Dr. Jerilyn Kisabeth
Steven Langer
Drs. Sharon & Ken Lease
Brittany and Kyle Leemaster
Megan & Chad Linville
Sherri & Reverend John Malget
Carol Mangham
Patsy & Harold Mann
Callie & Matt Mann
Kellie Maples
Dana & Harry Meister
Mary Melon-Tully
Dr. Mary & Ray Meritt
Monty Milburn
Richard Mildren
Jo Montana
Andy Moore
Rachel Morse
Leslie Coale & Sean Mossman
Bryan Newel
Suzette Northcutt
Derrick Ott
Keith Parker
Charlie Price
Lisa Pryor
Dr. Katie Dunlap
Peter Evans
Danielle Ezell
Crystal Farrimond
Kelly Forbes
Carrie & Brian Williams
Elizabeth Wright
Helen Wright
Fenilda Rambo
Tim Reese
LaWilda & Ken Reitz
Kim Hawkins & David Sanders
Marti & Greg Sawyer
Cameron Spradling
Bobby Stem
Stacey Stiglets
Lealon Taylor
Chris Thomas
Nicole Thomas
Tsinena & John Thompson
Debbie & Richard Forshee
Peter Fulmer
Jennifer & Patrick Gaines
Annette & Gene Wallace
Emily & Adam Wilhelm
Layne Wroblewski
Michelle Wynn
Dr. Seana Dean
Shelly Douglas
Drew Dugan
Dr. Marny Dunlap